Eco Homes Wirral
January 27, 2025
Most people know that if your home is not properly insulated, it loses valuable heat!
But where is this heat lost from?
– About 30% is lost through uninsulated solid walls.
– Some 30% will be lost through the loft itself, whilst a drafty loft hatch will be responsible for an additional 10% of all heat lost.
– If you have a suspended timber floor with a ventilated floor space, this is the culprit for 15% of heat lost.
The final 15% will be due to general poor draft proofing (windows, doors, bathroom fans without flappy vent covers etc.).
To find out how we can help you insulate your home in the most cost-effective way, telephone 0151 200 2102.
Our friendly team are always here to chat with you about any projects to help save you money with our services.